Saturday, April 26, 2008

Episode 3

Hurrah! We fixed the audio issues we had with episodes 1 & 2. The embedded player is now working!

Tonight we’re joined in the broadcast foxhole by our pal, Joe Pellam, who talks about his gaming history, his fascinating visits to Iwo Jima while in the Navy, and his love of ASL. A great guy, and a good friend, we’re pleased to have him as our guest.

Do you have a topic you would like to hear discussed on “The 2 Half-Squads”? Do you have an idea for a show segment? Do you know someone that would be a good guest? We’d like to hear from you! Leave us a comment here, or send an email to

Or download this episode. Right-click here and select to save the file.

1 comment:

  1. Today while driving around I stuck a flash drive into the car audio system, hit random, and ended up getting treated to this episode, Episode 3. You guys really did a great job with this one. Great convo with Mr. Pellam. Very impressive, as this was only your third episode in the series, and, since this was before they officially "dropped," you did not even have listener feedback yet. When I got home I wanted to find out some more about Joe, and saw that he passed in 2013. Very unfortunate, and I pass on my belated condolences to you.
