Friday, September 5, 2008

ASL Extra #1: Village of the Damned

And now for something completely different! A scenario analysis of AP18 “Village of the Damned” from Action Pack Three. This very unique podcast is not for everyone as Dave and Jeff talk aloud as the game is set up, revealing why you should never fear them if you meet them at a tournament. They also give an after action report. This one is a little rough as it is Dave’s first effort at producing a show on his own (Jeff is the true techie). It is recommended that you get out the scenario, set up your boards and follow along. Designed as the 2nd in a series, it becomes the 1st, due to technical problems with the other bonus episode. Fate has seemed to smile upon this scenario analysis.

Listen now with streaming audio

Or download this episode. Right-click here and select to save the file.


  1. Sorry to keep bothering you - I also meant to mention the link above points to Episode 10 and not the first ASL special.

  2. Hi, I just discovered ASL and I`m working my way through your podcasts. As Ed said (above) four years ago, the "Click here to download" feature actually downloads episode 10 rather than the "Village of the Damned" episode.

    Enjoying the casts very much!

  3. Thanks for the nudge. Fixed! And we think only taking four years and four months to fix it is pretty darn good.

  4. In the event you can not get the ASL Extra #1 audio, and wish to do so, copy the link address (right click on the link that says "Right click here" and choose copy link address), paste the copied link address in a new browser window, and before you hit enter, delete the "ttp://" from the beginning of the pasted address. Worked for me!

  5. We see there is an issue here Louye, thanks for the fix. We will see if we can reload the links or something.
