Monday, July 27, 2009

Episode 22: Light ‘em Up! (LIVE)

This episode’s main topic is Fire weapons: Flame Throwers and Molotov Cocktails.

This episode was our first LIVE audience show. Thanks to technology provided by TalkShoe we were able to broadcast our audio live on the internet and were joined live by listeners. It was pretty cool. We had about twenty-five people joining us via chat and call-in. We need to work out a few kinks in the technology, but all in all it was a great experience. The Quiz Show segment with instant answers from the audience was pretty cool for those able to participate.

Note: If you were not listening “Live”, this episode may seem a bit confusing and disjointed; for that we apologize. We have a number of ideas about how to improve on this format and fully expect future Live casts to be much better. Also, it’s possible we will re-record the main segment on Flame thrower weapons and MOL’s; there was a lot of good content there that deserves proper presentation.

This episode of The 2 Half-Squads featured the music of American composer Leroy Anderson.

To download this episode, right click here and select to save the file.

Listen now with streaming audio

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Episode 21: Lighten Up!

Now that we’ve spent a couple of episodes talking about tanks, we thought it time to take a look at a lighter topic — what the lonely soldier could do to combat those nasty AFV’s. With that in mind, this installment examines the ins and outs of Light Anti Tank Weapons (aka LATW’s). Join us for an in-depth quiz show that is sure to inform and delight. So sit down, keep your hand near the buzzer . . . and Lighten Up!

To download this episode, right click here and select to save the file.

Listen now with streaming audio

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

ASL Extra #9 88’s At Zon + More

Hello! This episode should have photos if you use itunes! We will also put them on the flickr side bar. This episode features Tim Klepaczyk’s Germans defending against Ron Schatz’s Americans in a Starter Kit #2 scenario called 88’s at Zon. Neutral commentary is provided by Dave and special guest Larry Schroeder provides a lively end game analysis. Don’t miss the exiting finish to this game!

Then join us for a round table discussion of ASL in general at the end of this episode. Wow! We’ll be doing a lot more of these in upcoming episodes.

Download this episode (right-click and Save)

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