Sunday, October 16, 2011

Episode 57: Ian Daglish Tribute

We were greatly saddened to hear of  the passing of Ian Daglish. While we had never had the honor to meet him face to face, we consider ourselves lucky to have conducted an interview with him a few days before the tragic accident that took his life. Ian was a World War II historian who specialized  in the Normandy Campaign and authored several books on the topic in the Over The Battlefield series. He was also an avid wargamer and made many contributions to the ASL hobby, especially as a scenario designer. He will be missed.
41:09 - Total Running Time


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  1. Nice job. Thanks guys.

  2. I will listen to this tomorrow. It is a very fitting tribute. Also given that you guys played his bocage Action Pack

  3. Very touching episode. Thanks for posting this. I wish I would've become active in ASL earlier, so I would've been more aware of him. I think I'm going to have to check out his books since I'm a low level guy myself.

  4. Oh, just wow! Eerie and sad, but very interesting. Especially hart breaking to hear you guys looking forward to go to Normandy with him. A classic.

  5. Stellar episode guys.

    Ian was one of those ideal interviewees who can carry an interview on his own. Very engaging and informative discussion, made all the sadder by Ian's premature passing.

    Very glad that you arranged the interview when you did. We now have a little more of Ian for posterity. Thanks for sharing.

    I have added a link to this interview in my Ian Daglish post of 5 August 2011.

  6. Jeff & Dave, thanks for posting this interview. I was shocked when I heard it was conducted the day before Ian's tragic accident. It was a little eerie to listen to Ian talk about his future ASL plans, but still a welcome episode to hear what he had to say. Thanks for posting, again. I hope and pray Ian is in a better place.

  7. A proper tribute indeed to him. A good man and nice fellow.

  8. Such an engaging speaker. How sad that he's gone.

  9. Nicely done. A very interesting guy, and I'm sorry I never got the chance to meet him.

  10. Thankyou guys for this podcast. I met Ian a few years ago at a book fair in Normandy, had a good chat with him and he signed some of his books for me. How lucky we are to have had someone such as him to contribute to our hobby.

  11. Thank you very much for making this podcast available. It perfectly conveys Ian's larger than life enthusiasm and energy. He had an insatiable appetite for history, especially when it involved the Battle of Normandy. We were friends for many years. Having just heard the podcast, I cannot believe he won't be on the phone again with another of his interim reports about what he was doing, or where he was going next.

  12. Trev Edwards, Preston, UKOctober 31, 2011 at 9:52 AM

    Thanks very much for this guys. We just held the annual "Intensive Fire" tournament here in the UK. It ended yesterday. This, the 17th year was the first that Ian did not attend. The tourney was dedicated to his memory and the prizes had his photo on them. One of the rounds had all Daglish scenarios.

    Last Friday we formally unveiled the memorial plaque to Ian at Bovington Tank Museum, which was paid for by the ASL community. On that plaque is Ian's photo superimposed over the Normandy 44 Action Pack cover.

    It is priceless to have a recording of Ian talking casually about his ASL life. I shall treasure that forever. Last time he played me he beat me hollow.

  13. A huge loss for his family, for all of us. A fitting tribute, Jeff and Dave. Thank you.


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