The 3rd round of our Auction offers up issues #40 - 49 of On All Fronts, the classic original SL/ASL fanzines. That auction will end on July 25th. Email or tweet us with your bid(s), then watch our Twitter feed for updates so you'll have a chance to bid again if you like.
And don't forget that the 2nd round of our T2HS Auctions was for a used copy of Paratrooper. This game will go to the highest bidder on July 6th, 2012. Get your bid in soon.
And don't forget that the 2nd round of our T2HS Auctions was for a used copy of Paratrooper. This game will go to the highest bidder on July 6th, 2012. Get your bid in soon.
We need you to call in and complete the sentence "You know you play too much ASL when......" Dial (+1) 641-715-3900 x218209, leave us your completed sentence, and you will be entered into our drawing and you could win some cool stuff. Free stuff......did we say it's free?
3:30 Letters
29:00 On All Fronts Added to Auction
36:15 What We've Been Playing Lately
53:00 Book Review
1:00:00 Latest Contest Entries
1:03:00 What's in the Box? AP #8
1:17:40 Total Running Time
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Hi guys, my comments are actually about episode 70. Dave tell your daughter that her British accent is excellent, she sounds very charming. Very funny hearing the letter about playing with ASL via Skype using the real board and counters as I just sent you an e mail on the very same subject. It really does work. I love VASSAL for most of my card driven games and use it frequently however the VASL games I have played just didn’t seem to work quite as well for ASL, particularly when level counters were involved. It just seems easier and more satisfying to use the real board and counters. I use the honor code for rolls and chit draws etc, it really works very well and I'm glad more people seem to be doing it this way. Perhaps you could try it in connection with a PASL club meet sometime.
ReplyDeletehey Tom, i was the guy who sent the letter. there'a a wee threat started on Gamesquad with people talking about this method. i'm encouraging folks to add their details so others can find opponents to play via skype. cheers:
Hey cool I'll check it out. I'm trying to get back into ASL but I kind of live on the outer fringe of the Chicago area so despite all the players in the city it is difficult for me to arrange FtF games. I would like to do a regular ASL game night and the Skype method may be the only way I can do that. Right now I am starting with the SKs with new player from Boston and he is definitely hooked on the system. I plan on playing Sunday nights and working my way through the SKs before going back to ASL. The SKs work perfectly with Skype and the real boards, not a lot of counters and as you observed in your letter it just works with little or no errors if you speak your moves clearly to the other guy and is just so much more satisfying than playing on VASAL. I'll definitely check out the forum you listed.
ReplyDeleteHey guy's, check the side of the box all of them book's came in. Their's a packing slip with a letter inside. Keep rolling low!