Willkommen, bienvenue, and welcome! Fremde, etranger, stranger. Gluklich zu sehen, je suis enchante, We're glad you're here.

And welcome to another somewhat amazing episode of The 2 Half-Squads, featuring the most beloved and revered segment in all game-casting --
What's in the Box? Tonight we took a look inside and discovered the
ASL Mannual '98, a wonderful piece of Advanced Squad Leader satire brought to us by
Rob Seulowitz and
Tom Repetti. It takes a loving yet mischievous look at our favorite game and the colorful characters who make up its community. We're glad we weren't around at the time of its production as we would have, no doubt, been skewered, roasted, tarred, feathered and and generally dealt our just deserts.
Just as handsome on cardboard as in real life.
(courtesy of Dennis Donovan) |
Speaking of deserts, we decided one "What's in the Box" offerings was not enough, so we took another peek and discovered both MMP's
Special Ops #5, and
Out of the Attic #1. And after all of that, we sneaked just one more look in that
Box and were thrilled to discover
Dispatches from the Bunker #39.
In addition to all those glances in boxes, Dave offers a review of the book,
Weimar Germany Promise and Tragedy.
1:00 Banter
10:00 What's in the Box? - ASL Mannual '98 (
download PDF here)
28:40 What's in Box? - Special Ops #5
36:00 What's in Box? - Out of the Attic #1
56:00 Book Review -
Weimar Germany: Promise and Tragedy by Weitz
1:05:00 What's in the Box -
Gifts! That's Cool -- for us
1:17:50 Dispatches From the Bunker #39
1:21:40 Total Running Time
The Shot of Adolf Dave Refers to in Triumph of the Will
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