You say that's not enough ASL for you, Bunky? Well . . .
. . . for some hardcore Advanced Squad Leader stuff you can join Dave and Tom as they play and dissect (to the best of their limited abilities) ASL Scenario G41 Jabo!
Game on bros and gros.

0:00 Hakkaa Paalle Song (Lyrics by Dennis Donovan)
1:30 New Year Jabber
13:00 What's in the Box?
21:00 Mayhem in Manilla Advert
25:50 Ritter Krieg Advert (free shipping on your ASL purchases)
28:25 What's in the Box? (Again!)
59:00 Jabo! Scenario Analysis (ze plane, ze plane)
1:23:55 Total Running Time
Ritter Krieg Games
Mayhem in Manilla Tourny
Scenario Designers Handbook
Great Shots of Cheneux Bridge at Cardboard Warriors
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