Hello Fellow ASLer's,
An illustration of the lightning rules from ASL Journal #4 |
We welcome you to a show that starts out somber, as Dave honors his late father, but soon recovers to celebrate life. There is some coverage of the less important things in life like Advanced Squad Leader.
If you were wondering after listening to the last show "Hey, what about the last few articles in Journal 4?" Well, you are in luck, buster! We finish the last of said articles right here in this episode. We particularly enjoyed covering the Lightning Rules.
What's in the Box? are the wonderful ASL
30th Anniversary precision dice from Battle School. They Rock (and they roll, After all, they are dice)!
Winter Offensive Pack #7 is also in the box. Both it's boards and it's scenarios are reviewed.
1:00 Banter
9:55 Ritter Krieg Ad
13:30 The Rest of Journal 4
14:30 Sturmtiger
20:30 Light Mortars by Simon Spinetti
32:00 Lightning Rules
37:45 What's in the Box?
50:00 Letters
1:02:00 Total Running Time
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