Rich and son Jared |
You'd think after 222 episodes we would know our equipment through and through, and all the steps for recording would be deeply ingrained in our minds. Alas, NO. I (Jeff) messed up the audio on parts of this otherwise very excellent episode. Please pardon my blunder. (If you would like a written apology, just send me a self-addressed, stamped envelope and a check for $22.30.)
Anyway, it's still an excellent show as far as content is concerned. One need only mention the name Rich Spilky and you can be sure there will be plenty of great ASL talk. Tonight Rich is back with more of his player aid tables, and we discuss the four new additions. They're sure to make your ASL gaming easier and more enjoyable. We also discuss a future project he's got in the works regarding the statistics behind drawing OBA cards. And we talk about his recently published replay and analysis of The Last Bid. Finally, his son Jared joins us to chit-chat about gaming from the perspective of a 20-something.
Show Links
Where in the world is this sharp dressed man? The Dead Sea in Jordan. |
The latest
Spilky tables
Robert Medrow's OBA article in
The General Vol 24 No 2 (via
View from the Trenches web site)
Scenario Replay and Analysis:
The Last Bid [RB5]; Rich Spilky (via
Texas ASL web site)
Show Times
3:00 Spilky tables
33:00 OBA article
49:00 The Last Bid article
1:05 Chat with Jared
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