Wow, it's been a long time since we put up an ASL Extra for your enjoyment. This one was recorded last year. Dave Timonen faces off against Chris Walters, who is playing his first game in many years. It's amazing how the rules and tactics come back to him so quickly. Advanced Squad Leader is like learning to ride a bicycle, once you learn you never forget how to do it. Dave and Chris are playing
Broich Bash, which was originally published in the old
In Contact Newsletter. Then released in an
ASL Annual as, A69 (ROAR US 102/German 114). It was then re-republished as Scenario 200 in
YANKS! 2nd Edition (ROAR US 9/German 14). Set up your boards and play along with us. Or use VASL.
Broich Bash on ASL Archive
The German set up is in the upper left hand corner and the turn numbers for the rest of the photos are uncertain for labeling purposes, but you will easily be able to follow along as you listen. Hear a few tips, and grab some tactical advice as you join us for
Broich Bash.
Music provided by agreement with
The 2 Half-Squads is brought to you by
Bounding Fire Productions,
Broken Ground Design and kind donations from listeners like you.
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