Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Episode 345: Can't Explain (the Rout Rules)

It's those scary rout rules! Yes, we finally
tackle them in the rules section. They read fairly easy but require that 2 page example in the rule book.  Must be a bit challenging. 

None today
00:01 "Can't Explain (the Rout Rules)" Song
3:00 Bantero
16:00 Letters
25:00 Rules
58:28 Total Running Time

Can't Explain
Lyrics by Dennis Donovan
Performed by The 2 Half Squad Singers

These rules here guys

A10 point five (can't explain)

Smartest guys in the world

Yeah, any Rout Rules, yeah

Grofaz (can’t explain)

Almost grokked them once

but they (hurt my brain)

Dizzy in the head when

reading Rout rules

They’re really complex,

you know that it’s true

They give me headaches

again and again

A Gordian Knot, dude

Can’t explain

Just what they mean

Tried to decipher them dude

But haven't a clue

And they hurt my brain

(can’t explain)

Yeah, they're giving me a headache, man

(can’t retain)

A bit of help would

make me real glad

From the Rosetta Stone?

That wouldn’t be bad

I get little glimpses every

now and again

About what they mean, but

Can't explain

A single word

I’ve studied those rules

Since ‘eighty two

And still can’t explain

(wracked my brain)

Even Oppenheimer,

(can’t explain)

The 2 Half-Squads is brought to you by Bounding Fire Productions, and kind donations from listeners like you.

The views and opinions expressed on The 2 Half-Squads are not necessarily those of the hosts. You can also watch the show on our Youtube channel.

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Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Episode 344: In a Bitterest Stack

Jump with us into the box and land on a brand new Bounding Fire Production called Bitterest Day. It includes a wonderful map of the Sugar Loaf Hill area on Okinawa, a sheet of counters, scenarios and more.

None today

00:01 "In a Stack" Song
6:00 What's in the Box?
44:30 Contest Draw and New Announced
50:28 Total Running Time

In a Stack
Lyrics by Dennis Donovan
Performed by The 2 Half Squad Singers

I have three elite squads, I'll move them in a stack.
With the 10-3 leader, now no turning back

I need two more MF's to get across the road.
I'll chance the minus two and hope I don't get hosed.

I'm moving all my guys I'll move them in a stack.
If my mentor saw this, he'd have a heart attack!

My opponent shakes his head and chokes on his coffee.
No I'm not a newbie but it sure seems like it, eh?

I'm sure I'll kick myself and catch a lot of flack.
I'll probably cry poor if my guys all get kacked.

We might get blown away by ignoring all the facts.
It's not easy moving out, when facing a kill stack

My guys will hopefully survive 20 down 2.
I need to get into the woods in hex G2.

If I look hard enough into the rule book.
Maybe I will find an out before my goose gets cooked!

Maybe the Dice Gods will cut me a little slack.
No cover anymore it's too late to turn back!

I see the turns go by the end is getting close.
Desperate times they call for desperate measures dude.

The 2 Half-Squads is brought to you by Bounding Fire Productions, and kind donations from listeners like you.

The views and opinions expressed on The 2 Half-Squads are not necessarily those of the hosts. You can also watch the show on our Youtube channel.

Download this episode (right-click and Save)